Board of Directors

The Mid-South Great Banquet Board of Directors is comprised of members from the community and are charged with the stewardship of the Great Banquet and Awakening communities in Memphis and surrounding areas. The board meets monthly and the members spend much of their time working outside the meetings carrying out committee responsibilities. When Lay Directors and team members begin meeting, the board is already planning the future events. The board considers lay directors, weekend sites, team meeting activities, Gatherings, 4th Day meetings, email communications and newsletter information. Each meeting begins with a devotion and prayer for guidance.

Should you have any questions or comments for the Board of Directors, click on the email link under Contact or you may send an email directly to a board member by clicking on their photograph below.


Lisa Murdock

Board Chairperson

Sylvia Henry

Community Lay Director

Larry Bryant

Community Lay Director

Leadership Responsibilities

The Board Chairperson serves as meeting facilitator, preparing Board meeting agendas and assisting in accomplishing tasks and responsibilities of the ministry. The Chairman serves to keep “The Big Picture” before the board at all times.


The Community Lay Directors process guest & sleeper forms, sponsor forms, registration fees, mail, bank deposits, as well as send confirmations & waiting list letters and emails to guests and sponsors. The Community Lay Directors also assist Lay Directors by furnishing team manuals, talk outlines, talk & preview schedules, and attend team and leadership meetings. The CLDs also make guest & sleeper confirmation phone calls, work the weekend registration table, attend the first team meeting on the weekend to help with table assignment changes, print and assemble weekend packet information, update and print guest/sleeper & team lists, explain packet information on the weekends make changes where needed, and make necessary announcements at the closing service.

Spiritual Leadership

Rev. Rodney Kirkwood, Sr

Community Spiritual Director

Leslee Graves

Community Spiritual Director

The Great Banquet & Awakening community is privileged to have Community Spiritual Directors that provide spiritual leadership and guidance from churches that are involved in the community. These positions are non-voting board members that are consulted to ensure the community keeps spiritual focus in all aspects of the weekends. The community spiritual directors assist by leading board meetings in monthly devotions, communicating with other church leadership to help align the community and aid team building efforts by vetting team lists.

The Board of Directors is made up of three working committees (Community, Facilities, & Leadership) with three members in each committee. Each member serves a three-year term with one member rotating off each committee annually.

Community Committee

The Community Committee works together sending out email communications concerning weekend events, Gatherings, 4th Day meetings, and team meetings. The committee gathers articles to publish and distribute quarterly newsletters. The committee works with churches to plan music, devotionals, meals, child care, and promotions for Gatherings. Finally, the committee receives and publishes agape letters for other local and global communities.

Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee works together scheduling dates, times, and facilities for board meetings, leadership meetings, team meetings, dedications, 4th Day meetings, Gatherings, Great Banquet and Awakening weekends. The committee oversees bank accounts and works with the treasurer on reports and budgets for Great Banquet and Awakening weekends. The committee coordinates the use of the trailer, its upkeep, and transportation to and from Great Banquet and Awakening weekends. They also mentor teams on meal planning and cost control.

Leadership Committee

The Leadership Committee compiles prospective team lists for Lay Directors, updates and prints manuals for team members, plans agendas for team meetings, team building activities, leadership meetings and 4th day meetings. The committee meets with Lay Directors to review materials pertaining to team selection, team meetings and weekend planning. The members participate in the leadership meeting with Lay Directors, Assistant Lay Directors, Kitchen, Agape, Prayer, and Music. The committee arranges mentors to attend team training meetings, and works to help new members get involved with Reunion Groups.

Other Positions

Persons serving the Mid-South Great Banquet community outside of the board include:

The Community Treasurer serves by tracking income and expenses, paying bills, and keeping all agreements with Lampstand Ministries up-to-date. Three reports are prepared and submitted to the Board of Directors monthly by the treasurer: a sales summary, a balance sheet, and a profit and loss report.

The Website Administrator serves by updating and maintaining the Great Banquet and Awakening website and supporting the community's technology needs.