Discipleship Resources

Christian Books:

Holy Bible, various translations and study versions available

Total Forgiveness, by R.T. Kendall

In His Steps, by C. Shelton

Becoming a Woman of Excellence, by Cynthia Heald

Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren

Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkinson

The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel

The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman

Staying Close, by Dennis and Barbara Rainey

Power of a Praying Woman, by Stormie O'Martian

Power of Praying Together, by Stormie O'Martian with Jack Hayford

Power of a Praying Husband, by Stormie O'Martian

Power of a Praying Wife, by Stormie O'Martian

Power of a Praying Parent, by Stormie O'Martian

Lord I Want To Know You, Kay Arthur

Men in Mid-Life Crisis, by Jim Conway, David C. Cooke, 1978

You and Your Husband in Mid-Life Crisis, by Sally Conway, David C. Cooke, 1980

Greatest Miracle in the World, by Og. Mandino

Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor Fankl, Beacon Press, 1963

A Woman After God's Own Heart, by Elizabeth George

Captivating, by John & Stasi Eldredge

Wild at Heart, by John Eldredge

Holy Sweat, by Tim Hansel

Financial Peace, by Dave Ramsey

The Maker's Diet, by Jordan S. Rubin

When God Whispers Your Name, by Max Lucado

Healing the Wounded Heart, by Dan B. Allender

Changes That Heal, by Henry Cloud

Safe People, by Henry Cloud

Boundaries, by Henry Cloud & John Townsend

Inside Out, by Dr. Larry Crabb

The Marriage Builder, by Dr. Larry Crabb

The Grief Recovery Handbook, John W. James & Frank Cherry

Boundaries, Where You End and I Begin, by Anne Katherine

The Dance of Anger, by Harriet G. Lerner

The Dance of Deception, by Harriet G. Lerner

The Dance of Intimacy, by Harriet G. Lerner

The Blessing, by Gary Smiley & John Trent

Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve, by Lewis B. Smedes

Forgiving Our Parents, Forgiving Ourselves, by David Stoop & James Masteller

Good Grief, by Granger Westberg

The Most Important Year in a Woman's Life, by Wolgemuth & DeVries

The Most Important Year in a Man's Life, by Wolgemuth & DeVries

Survival Kit for New Christians, by Ralph Neighbor

What The Bible Is All About, by Henrietta C. Mears

Understanding and Applying The Bible, J. Robertson McQuilkin

Know Your Bible, by W. Graham Scroggie

Knowing Scripture, by Robert Charles Sproul

Grace Unknown, by Robert Charles Sproul

Christian Authors:

Emilie Barnes

Henry Blackaby

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Larry Burkett

Tony Campolo

Chuck Colson

Maxie Dunham

Richard J. Foster

Billy Graham

Bill Hybels

B. Johnson (for women)

Rick Joyner

C.S. Lewis

Max Lucado

Joyce Meyer

Stormie O'Martian

Anne Ortlund

Angela Ramage

R. C. Sproul

Charles Stanley

Lee Strobel

Charles Swindoll

Walter Wangerin, Jr.

Rick Warren



Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young

My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers

Our Daily Bread

These Days, Presbyterian Press

Tabletalk, www.Lionier.org

Prescription for Healing, by Mark Brazee

Walk Thru the Bible, www.walkthru.org

Audio Bible Studies:

Available from Lampstand Ministries, the covering corporation for the Great Banquet and Awakening. The Audio Bible Studies and Messages on CD are by Jack Pitzer, the author of the Great Banquet and Awakening, the founder and President of Lampstand Ministries. Go to www.lampstand.net to view a full listing of audio CDs and find out more information about different Great Banquet communities across the nation.



Christian Radio:

Bott Radio Network, Memphis, TN